Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy
Scroll down to read and accept these terms
This is a legally binding agreement. This agreement governs your use of Fightcoach mobile applications, Internet portal and any other platform provided by Oy Contrevo Ltd’s Fightcoach®. The following are terms of a legal agreement between you and OY Contrevo LTD. (the “Company”). By accessing and/or using any of Fightcoach® services (“Services”), including all Fightcoach® mobile applications (“Applications”) and Internet portal’s (“Portal”) content (at www.fightcoach.tv) and content published in any Fightcoach® social media channel (i.e. via Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Vine, Flickr, Instagram), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree, to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including Federal and State laws concerning the following activities.
The videos (“Techniques”, “Combos”, “Moves” etc.), clips and/or other recordings contained in the Fightcoach® services are for educational and entertainment purposes only. You understand and knowledge that you or your training partner may be hurt, get injured or even die if you train or attempt to apply the Techniques, Combos or Moves shown in Fightcoach® videos. Attempt these Techniques and Training programs at your own risk. The Company, including but not be limited to those who developed Fightcoach® Applications and Portal and all other persons featured on the Applications and/or Portal, do not endorse and do not make any representation, warranty, guarantee, or claim regarding the safety, effectiveness, or legality of any Technique illustrated, described, or demonstrated on Fightcoach® Applications and/or Portal and/or videos; are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any personal injury, damage or death that may occur by using the Techniques, Applications, Portal and/or following the instructions contained therein.
By using above Fightcoach® Services, you agree to hold the Company, including but not to be limited to its employees, licensees, assigns, agents, subsidiaries and officers, harmless for any action, suit, injury, loss, claim, or damage, originating from your omission, recklessness, improper execution of generally acceptable exercise techniques, or for any injury, damage or death that occurs pursuant to any information received, misuse of the Fightcoach® Services or the information contained thereto.
OY Contrevo LTD. may at any time revise these Terms of Use by updating this posting. By using this Fightcoach® Application and/or Portal, you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically read this disclaimer, as amended, to determine the then current Terms of Use to which you are bound.
– combined file description and information document
Finnish Personal Data Act (523/1999), sections 10 and 24
1. Controller
OY Contrevo LTD. (2560045-9)
Helsinki, Finland
DUNS: 36-817-7193
Tel. exchange +358 44 3314609
Contact e-mail: info@fightcoach.tv
2. File name
Fightcoach.tv’s consumer customer file
3. The purpose of the Customer File
The general prerequisite for the processing of personal data is a customer relationship, customer consent or an assignment issued by the customer to Oy Contrevo Ltd.
4. Use of personal data
Fightcoach.tv’s consumer customer data are used for the following purposes:
- Serving the customer and operational management, administration and development of the customer relationship. Management of customer data and customer and contact history. Provision of support and advisory services for the customer and management of the service activities.
- Implementation as well as analysis, reporting, development and personification of Oy Contrevo Ltd’s operations, applications, services and payments. Verification and administration of Fightcoach® services and payment transactions. Ensuring the quality and safety of operations.
- Analysis, categorisation and development of customerships. Research and statistical analyses. Targeting of customer and marketing communication, development of the range of products and services and development and reporting related to the business operations.
- Provision and marketing of Fightcoach® applications and services, and implementation and follow-up of customer and marketing communication. Processing of customer feedback. Management of communication and campaign history.
- Customer identification and user management. Identification, authentication and authorisation of customers in Fightcoach® services. Information security of services and management of access rights and access.
- Ensuring the legal safety of the customers and Oy Contrevo Ltd., and fulfilling the obligations based on law and orders of the authorities.
5. Contents of the file
Fightcoach.tv’s consumer customer file contains the following data:
Basic customer details:
- Customer’s Name and contact information
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- Demographic information
- Martial art most practiced by the user
- Gender
- City
- Country
- Permission information and restrictions
- i.e.restrictions on receiving direct marketing transmissions via Oy Contrevo Ltd.
- Customership information
- Customer number
- Username and password for Fightcoach member area
- Customer’s IP address whenever the customer logs in the service
- Customer feedback
- Campaign details
- Other necessary information needed to ensure safe customership with Oy Contrevo Ltd.
Oy Contrevo Ltd. will only store data necessary for Oy Contrevo Ltd’s activities and for the purpose of use of the data, with legal prerequisites for processing the data. The data no longer considered necessary for their purpose of use, obsolete data, or data whose processing is otherwise no longer considered justified, will be destroyed in a secure manner.
6. Regular sources of data
Personal data about the customer are primarily obtained from the customer himself/herself in connection with the registration, use of services and customer service. Data about watching/liking/sharing the videos/clips/recordings, use of services and payment transactions are collected as the customer uses the Fightcoach® services.
Oy Contrevo Ltd. updates the data concerning those who do not wish to receive direct marketing transmissions.
7. Use of cookies
Oy Contrevo Ltd. may use cookies in its online services in order to implement the services and to facilitate the use of the service. The user can change his/her browser settings to disable cookies. Oy Contrevo Ltd. does not, however, guarantee the functioning of all its services in such a case (i.e. when the cookies are required by default).
8. Disclosure and transfer of data
Personal data of the customer will not be disclosed outside Oy Contrevo Ltd. or to third parties operating for Oy Contrevo Ltd. to maintain and develop the service or contributing to the production of the service entity. Data will be disclosed to authorities in cases required by the law, e.g. in order to deal with and prevent abuse.
9. File security principles
The information security of Fightcoach.tv’s consumer customer file and the confidentiality, integrity and usability of the personal data are ensured by appropriate technical and administrative measures. The data are secured against unauthorised access and illegal or accidental data processing. The data will only be processed by individuals specified by Oy Contrevo Ltd. and the third parties maintaining or developing services on Oy Contrevo Ltd’s commission. They will log in the system using a personal username and password.
10. Right of access
In accordance with sections 26-28 of the Personal Data Act, the customer has the right of access to the data on him/her in the personal data files. Access to some data has, however, been restricted in order to e.g. prevent and solve criminal offences. An access request can be issued by submitting a signed, scanned request in writing to the following address:
Oy Contrevo Ltd., Helsinki Finland.
The controller (Oy Contrevo Ltd.) may (in accordance with sections 26 of the Personal Data Act), charge for the provision of access to the data if less than one year has passed since the previous instance of providing the data subject with access to data in the file.The charge shall be reasonable and it shall not exceed the immediate costs of providing accessto the data.
The request shall include the person’s name, identity number, postal address and phone number. The reply to the request will be delivered to the address confirmed through the Population Information System.
11. Data rectification
The customer may update and alter his/her details in accordance with section 29 of the Personal Data Act when logged on in Fightcoach.tv’s online service.
12. Consenting to and opting out of direct marketing
The customer has the opportunity to update the information regarding consenting to or opting out of direct marketing when logged on in Oy Contrevo Ltd’s online service.
The customer may consent to direct marketing by
– mobile phone.
The customer may opt out of
– direct marketing to a postal address
– direct marketing to an e-mail address
If you do not agree to the terms above, close the Application and delete it from your device and/or quit the Internet portal and/or unsubscribe from the social media channels dealing with Fightcoach® content. If you have read and accept the terms and conditions, go ahead and finalize the sign up process.